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Sacred Heart Primary School

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First Holy Communion Update

Dear Parents/Guardians,


First Holy Communion for Y5FT will be on Monday 20th September at 1pm.


First Holy Communion for Y5AG will be on Monday 20th September at 4pm.


Few points to note:


*Each child can have 6 guests in attendance with them. 
(Child + 6) This has changed from the previous guidelines I issued before the summer.


*All current guidelines relating to Covid-19 should be followed this includes wearing masks, social distancing and sanitizing of hands.


*I am still waiting on confirmation that an official photographer will be in attendance but I should know 
this tomorrow and will update you in due course.


*Children will NOT be required to attend school on Monday 20th September and will be marked present.


*Children in Yr 5 do not have to arrive in school until 10am on Tuesday 21st September.


Any other queries please do not hesitate to contact me.


Kind Regards,


Mrs Louise Cunning

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