Dear Parents/Guardians,
Further to my communications yesterday, I would like to update you all in relation to our return to school.
Minister Weir has stated that all primary school children will be taught remotely next week with a return to face to face teaching the week beginning Monday 11th January.
Therefore, from Wednesday 6th January until Friday 8th January, Sacred Heart will be providing remote learning via our online platforms for all children.
Class Dojo Year 1 - 2
Google Classroom Year 3 - 7
Provisions will be made for KEY WORKER CHILDREN and those children identified as VULNERABLE in school from the 6th - 8th January. This provision is for those families who have no alternative childcare arrangements and should only be used as a last resort.
Parents/Guardians MUST apply for this provision and a separate application form MUST be submitted for each child.
Please note that the provision being made is that of 'supervision' as directed by the Education Minister and will not take the form of face to face teaching.
Please click HERE to access the application form. Closing date is Sunday 4th January at 6pm.
If you have any problems accessing the link please contact me as soon as possible.
Kind Regards,
Mrs Louise Cunning