Our youngest pupils come to school from a variety of different backgrounds, having had a range of pre-school experiences. Our Foundation Stage (Yr1 & 2) aims to build upon this background by providing children with a learning programme that best suits their individual needs. We seek to build upon these pre-school learning experiences and to provide our pupils with the skills that they will need as they move through the school. Our dedicated Foundation Stage team are very flexible in their approach to providing learning experiences and will often follow the children's interests as they appear in class.
Each of our Foundation classes will offer children opportunities to...
- Be actively involved in practical, open-ended and challenging learning that encourages creativity
- Be involved in planning and reflecting on what they have done
- Be involved in play that is challenging and that builds on their interests and experiences
- Work and learn in a stimulating and well-resourced environment
- Develop secure relationships with their peers and with the adults who work within Foundation Stage
Our Foundation team is committed, sensitive, enthusiastic and forward-thinking. They ensure that the children are always presented with suitable learning challenges, and that their learning environment is exciting to come into each day. They work in close partnership with parents and ensure that a welcome and open communication are there at all times. They will invite parents in to 'Stay & Play' with the children, to see how we develop learning through play in school.
If you would like to witness this caring ethos in person, we invite you to come along at any stage for a visit and a chat to any of the team.