Literacy focuses on developing each child's ability to understand and use both written and spoken language across all areas of learning. The development of these skills enables children to interact effectively in the world around them, through communicating confidently and creatively both orally and in 'Reading & Writing'.
Our pupils come to school with their own experiences of using language in the home, in their pre-school setting and within the local community and we value these skills as a starting point for further development. We provide our pupils with a language-rich environment where they can develop their language skills at a pace that suits their ability. We develop independent writers and readers from an early age and value the outcomes of each child.
As Reading is at the heart of so much of a child's learning, we encourage a love and enjoyment of it by running various initiatives that will hopefully strike a chord with the majority of children. One of the most popular and most effective of these is our ACCELERATED READING programme involving all children from Year 4 upwards. These pupils read a wide variety of texts and then take online Book Quizzes for which they receive points depending on the difficulty level of the book read. The children 'save' these points and can exchange them for prizes once they attain certain levels. Several of our pupils are now 'reading millionaires' (i.e. have read over 1,000,000 words) and you wil see children reading in all corners of the school at all times of the day. Fantastic!!!