Summer Shows...
Over the past number of years, the pupils of Sacred Heart PS have been fortunate to perform their annual end-of-year Summer Show in the Millennium Forum Theatre in Derry. This theatre holds over 1000 people and each year, the show is a complete sell-out with tickets 'rationed' among all the families of the school.
Every child takes part on the night itself and the impact this has on confidence and self-belief within each child is there for all to see. It is very rewarding to see our community gather together to support the children each year and to see how the children accomplish more as each year passes.
Our school choir sings regularly at all school church celebrations and has also taken part in various competitions, most recently the City of Culture Choral Festival held in 2013. We accept all children into the choir - there are no auditions, we simply want to develop a love of singing in each child. The video below shows the choir singing one of the songs they prepared for the City of Culture Choral Festival.
Easter, Christmas & Class Assemblies...
The school is also very well known locally for performing at Christmas and Easter in our beautiful Church of the Immaculate Conception. Each year the children from Key Stage 2 perform a very moving interpretation of the Passion of Our Lord to a packed church. We also have a beautiful Carol Service each year and class nativities for each class from Yr1 to Yr3.
We find that the nativities performed separately by each class allow parents three excellent opportunities to see their child perform the story of the First Christmas in their first few years with us.
Every class in the school participates in our rota for class assemblies and parents are invited in to see these and to share a cup of tea with other parents.