Sacred Heart PS is a community of learning for all our pupils, staff, parents and wider community, and as a Catholic school, we promote faith, high academic achievement and learning for life.
As our primary target is our pupils, we achieve our vision by working with children to:
- Have high self-esteem - respecting themselves, others and the environment
- Develop enquiring, curious, imaginative and creative minds
- Become highly motivated lifelong learners
- Welcome, respect and cherish those of diverse identities
- Nurture an enjoyment, love and enthusiasm for learning
- Develop their sense of faith, service, prayer and worship
- Promote a spirit of charity, social awareness and concern for others
- Be flexible, adaptable and to become confident problem-solvers
- Be able to work both independently and collaboratively
- Achieve high levels of literacy, numeracy and technological skills
- Question, dream and be confident enough to persevere
- Always strive for better